18/20 november '09 - Museo Piaggio Pontedera
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The "I.D.E.A. Catalogue", prepared by the Piaggio Foundation and...

Pecha Kucha Night Vol. 8
For this edition it returns to animate the rich program oh Crea©tivity'10, the Pecha Kucha Night show.

Creactivity + IDEA is at Festival della Creatività
During the festival in Florence (from 21 to 24 october 2010), Creactivity will show a selection of project that had partecipate to prize IDEA '09 inside the beautiful Biblioteca delle Oblate.

Fifth edition of Crea©tivity Festival
Promoted by of Florence, Fondazione Piaggio, Directoraste AFAM/MIUR, MBVision, the event is dedicated to the world of design, planning....