Creactivity, Research and Innovation in Design

Directed by Max Pinucci, in this sixth edition of the event, the success has been largely achieved. One of the best editions of this event...

IDINTOS to Creactivity

IDINTOS is a research project dedicated to the definition and prototyping of innovative ultralight seaplane ...

Creactivity insert to Corpoarte Culture Week 2011

Creactivity is inserted in the program of "Corporate Culture Week 2011" ...

IDEA Reloaded

Creactivity 2011 is hosting the first retrospective of IDEA (International Design Education Award), the international design competition devoted to student projects...

Special guest: Gregor Veble

This year to make its valuable contribution to the event will Veble Gregor. Professor of physics at the University of Nova Gorica ...

6th Creactivity

Sixth edition of Create©tivity Manufactured by Comune di Pontedera, the Piaggio Foundation, ISIA Florence, Pont-tech MBVision, the event is dedicated to the world of design...