Carmen Alampi
Carmen Alampi
1974, Pisa

Since completing my studies, I have worked in my profession and offered my advice as an expert in the field of fashion.

I collaborated for eight years with the G.I.C.MODYVA in Empoli, a firm producing women’s fashions in regular or large sizes.
I worked in the internal staff of the firm as Product Head and Fashion Designer, seeing to the stylisitic aspects, coordinating all the stages of the design and realisation of the collections while also managing and coordinating the work of a group of people.

In September 2005 I started working free-lance; I designed the collections for cerimonies, cocktails and evening wear for the firm FLORANNA (Rome) for three seasons.

I collaborated as Product Developer for a year with the clothing division of the Lanificio Becagli (PRATO).
At present I collaborate with RADIOSA s.p.a and design the PIERRE CARDIN collection of women’s cerimonial wear in regular and large sizes.

I am attributed with having a marked creativity, notable sensitivity towards new trends in fashion and the market and an aptitude for team work.